What is the name of your business? *

Physical Address of business (Street, City, Zip) *

Mailing Address of business *

What type of business do you operate (select all that apply) *

If you have a website, enter here:

Phone number of business

Is there anything unique about your business or location that you want published? What do you want our readers to know about your business?

The following questions are for customer service and will not be published in the book.

Point of contact and relation to business (manager, owner, etc.) *

Phone number for point of contact *

Contact email *

Purchase options available *

I agree to pay Gem State Fishing to have the above information published in their guidebook. If book is not published by 1/1/2026 I will receive a full refund *

I have made my payment to Gem State Fishing: *

I would like my receipt by: *